
Nuevos libros entorno a Jiddu Krishnamurti

Nos alegra comunicaros que se han publicado recientemente varias obras en distintos formatos que nos acercan al recuerdo de Jiddu Krishnamurti en su aspecto más cercano.

Krishnamurti, en la expresión plena de su extraordinaria lucidez, convivió con muchas personas que colaboraron con él y le ayudaron a lograr fundar las escuelas y desarrollar en su día el trabajo de difusión de las enseñanzas, realizando charlas en directo de las que se extraen los libros que recogen dichas enseñanzas.

Destacamos aquí por orden de aparición los siguientes títulos, como decimos muy recientes todos ellos.
Más abajo ponemos enlaces a los sitios web donde podéis informaros a fondo sobre cómo conseguirlos.

- "In the Presence of Krishnamurti" Scott Forbes, Memorias de Mary Zimbalist. 
Publicado online por entregas a subscriptores  2014-2015

- "Knocking at the Open Door. My years with J. Krishnamurti" por Mark Lee.
Publicado en 2015 - Editorial Hay Housse

- "A Jewel on a Silver Platter. Remembering Jiddu Krishnamurti" por el Profesor Krishna, Padmanabhan Krishna.
Publicado en el 2015

Tener la posibilidad de leer testimonios de personas que vivieron cerca de JK siempre es una alegría para nosotros. Sus posibles traducciones al español serán bienvenidas.

Mas info sobre estos títulos:

- Padmanabhan Krishna "A jewel on a silver platter" 

Libro autopublicado por el Profesor Krishna ( Padmanabhan Krishna) quien convivió y colaboró con Jiddu Krishnamurti durante unos 30 años. El libro recoge testimonios de varias personas muy cercanas a JK sobre sus vivencias, revelando aspectos de su persona e investigando sus enseñanzas.
"This book gives an intimate portrayal of the philosopher sage Jiddu Krishnamurti by several of his colleagues who knew him over many decades and interacted with him closely. It reveals several aspects of the man and investigates his teachings in depth.
The author, Professor P.Krishna, was a Professor of Physics and was closely associated with him for nearly 3 decades. He has lectured all over the world and conducted dialogues about Krishnamurti's teachings."
Padmanabhan Krishna "A jewel on a silver platter"


Memoirs of Mary Zimbalist "In the Presence of Krishnamurti" por Scott Forbes.
NOTE: All Issues of "The Memoirs of Mary Zimbalist" are now online. (TOTAL: 90 Issues)
Total 90 entregas hasta ahora. Mas info en el enlace bajo la foto.

Mary Zimbalist (1915—2008) was an actress, model, and the wife of Sam Zimbalist (producer of many films including the Oscar winning Ben-Hur) who began asking serious questions about the nature of life and death, and first came across Krishnamurti in 1944. When she returned to this interest fully in 1963, she became Krishnamurti’s friend and then his assistant. From that time until Krishnamurti’s death, she accompanied him through most of his travels around the world and helped organize his talks and the publication of his books. Mary became the closest person to Krishnamurti since 1925, when Krishnamurti’s brother, Nitya, died.
In the Presence of Krishnamurti: The Memoirs of Mary Zimbalist is the direct result of Krishnamurti asking Mary to write about what it was like to be with him. Mary struggled to write this account for more than two decades. I was concerned that, with her frail health and slow progress, she might not complete this task for which she cared so much. To try to help her, I suggested that she and I recount our memories of Krishnamurti to each other, and record them.
We began a series of conversations in 1994 that continued for fourteen years, until 2008, shortly before she died. Mary was happy that we both talk about our memories because I had traveled a bit with Krishnamurti, and worked with him for many years, but especially because I knew many of the places to which they traveled, so I could ask detailed questions; questions that helped stir her memory and bring to life, in her own words, what it was like to be in the presence of Krishnamurti.
These discussions have produced exhaustive documentation (over 100 recordings of 1.5 hours to 2 hours each) through Mary’s reminiscences and her reading of her detailed diaries, and today I am happy to announce the launch of In the Presence of Krishnamurti: The Memoirs of Mary Zimbalist.
Presented as an online subscription service, In the Presence of Krishnamurti: The Memoirs of Mary Zimbalist subscribers will read transcribed and edited versions of the 100+ sessions of Mary reading her diaries and discussing them. Audio clips, where Mary speaks particularly passionately or poignantly, will be included. Eventually, the original rough draft of the manuscript that Mary had started, and that she asked me to curate, will also be included.
Podrá ser leído en español. Sin información sobre cuando será posible.

Scott Forbes and Mary Zimbalist "In the presence of Krishnamurti"


"Knocking at the open door. My years with J. Krishnamurti" por Mark Lee.
Publicado en 2015  Editorial Hay House

Mark Lee ha sido un estrecho colaborador de JK durante unos 45 años. Fue presidente de la KFA.
Artículo sobre el libro y entrevista:

" ¿...No se da cuenta de que está abierto? ¡Simplemente tiene que entrar!"

Enlace al libro de Mark Lee en Hay House (Editorial)
